Monday, May 21, 2012

Saturday, May 19th
Took Izzy to the beach in the evening. She hadn't been to the beach before, so we figured it would be a good experience for her.  Oddly, on the way there, she threw up in the car twice.   She doesn't generally get car sick, but as she seemed bright and cheerful, we continued with our beach trip.  Once there, she was very interested in all the good smells.  She didn't like the surf rushing at her, but once she figured out it was just water, she was fine. I need to take her during the day, I'm sure she'd enjoy it much more.  We walked a couple of miles total, and on the way back, six or so people came down the boardwalk in the dark. This freaked Izzy out, and she spent about 10 minutes growling and barking at them. I couldn't get her focus off them.  It didn't help that it was dark, and she couldn't really see them.  Or that they were ignoring her barking and growling and wanted to come up to us. I had to warn them off.  Once we got out of sight of them, she settled down.

Sunday, May 20th:
Izzy seemed a little off today, so she got the whole day off to do nothing but doggy things. I'm not sure she didn't miss the training. :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Home Practice
Conditions: 75 degrees, sunny, breezy, cool, storm on the horizon, but no thunder or lightning
Worked on: socialization, control with major distractions, some heeling, watch me,
Details:  Started out with heeling work with the intention of working on heeling, finish, etc.  However, neighbor kids were out as was their mother, so we heeled down to them to work on heeling with distraction.  Izzy took offense to Mom and was barking at her with hackles raised. I then did some socialization exercises and game Mom hotdogs to feed.  After about 7 minutes, Izzy settled down and accepted her presence. Attention was back on me.  Then another neighbor came out walking an unruly Akita cross that was dragging him all over the road.  Izzy watch him with intent, but did not bark or lunge at him, even as he came at us. Once he left, I went back to the house and worked on attention work as the dog came back up the road and passed us.  It wasn't quite as I planned, but it turned out fairly positive and good for Izzy to have to pay attention with major distractions.  Both cats helped during the entire time.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17, 2012
Obedience class night at K9.
Weather: Warm and humid, between 75-80 degrees
Worked on: Choose to heel, heeling close, fast accurate sits, fronts and sits with bringing her hind end up to meet the front, down without moving the fronts (the backs scootch back), accurate finishes using a cone to wrap the dog around, teaching the dog to scootch sideways with you while heeling (cone), and left turns using a cone to teach the dog to swing their butt out.  Also, sits and downs, and a motivated recall.
Details: Izzy was VERY attentive the whole class.  She had five weeks since her last training, and she remembered everthing.  Her heeling was excellent with minimal loss of focus.  She picked up the fast accurate sits quickly and loved the down work.  She also did the finish work really well.  She snapped at one other dog who got too close to her during work, but refocused on me quickly.  She also lost focus when other dogs got too close, but a quick "leave it" brought her right back.  Sits and Downs were excellent, she didn't break at all.

May 18, 2018
Daily training
Weather: Warm and Humid, storm brewing with a lot of thunder.  80 degrees plus
Worked on: Choose to heel, fast accurate sits, down without moving fronts, accurate finishes, scootching, left turns, long sit, recall, stand
Details: Izzy was pretty distracted in the front yard.  The neighbors chihuahua's were barking in their yard, and the other neighbors back yard dog was barking.  It took about ten minutes for her to really get into working.  Once she focused, she "chose to heel" beautifully.  She ignored the other dogs and oncoming traffic. We used the trees as cones from class.  The finish work I think will come quickly.  Stand is coming.  She got it a little confused about down and stand, but after a couple of repetitions, stand really clicked.